Canopy LA is a future-facing sound studio focused on planting immersive audio in the heart of interactive, story driven experiences. We are storytellers obsessed with emotional dynamics and impact. We are tech-loving sonic foragers. We are jungle dwelling creatives, bursting with artistic passion and grounded in industry expertise.
Nate Greene Director of Operations, Producer
Back in 2013 I began building studios and working as an audio engineer focusing on recording and mixing for composers and songwriters. The studio regularly books major label producers as well as audio professionals in film and gaming. Having always loved technology, film, and games; I moved into sound design for immersive experiences. I believe sound is the most important element in making a storytelling experience truly immersive. I take a lot of pride in being able to build and be a part of strong creative teams and tackling ambitious goals and projects. When I am not working on a project I’m learning new tech, surfing, or playing a video game with friends.
Braeger Moore Technical Director, Audio Technologist
The convergence of sound, technology and storytelling has always intrigued and fascinated Braeger, even before he realized it as a child. Since moving to Los Angeles in 2013, he has been involved in nearly every facet of professional audio - from film composition to commercial post; record production to game audio and immersive installs. His utterly intense passion for the trinity of audio, tech and storytelling caused Braeger to develop a diverse set of skills and tools for any project he takes on. Whether developing and implementing dynamic audio systems or composing emotive, interactive music, his nuanced approach creates results that exceed expectations in a distinctive manner.
Clay Schmitt Creative Director, Producer
Clay moved from Ohio to Los Angeles in 2008 with a passion for all things sound. After working in nearly every corner of the industry since then, he has found the novelty of interactive sound and music to be an irresistible playground. His ability to maintain 2 perspectives at once keeps clients coming back, leading to many substantive relationships with industry leaders. He can zoom in and utilize his obsession with things like vintage synthesizers, reverbs and samplers to bring grit, texture, and dimension to an experience while staying zoomed out and carefully propelling the vision of the project and what is most important to connect with end user.